1 kg | 5 kg | 10 kg
Compound feed as complete feed for canaries. easyyem egg-food for canaries is especially suitable for all types of canaries as an all-year product. The nutritional content is tailored exactly to the needs of canaries.
Analysis: Protein 22,0 %, Fat Content 8,0 %, Crude Ash 3,8 %, Calcium 0,10 %, Phosphorous 0,04 %, Magnesium 0,13 %.
Composition: Bakery products, eggs and egg products (whole egg powder 5 %), seeds, fruits, vegetables.
Recommended use: 3 portions egg-food + 1 portion water + wait 5 min., or moisten with germfeed, grated fruit/vegetables. During the breeding period, daily, otherwise provide freely 3 times per week.